Twenty-two reasons to read more books 3 March 2022 — World Book Day.
World Book Day is a great thing. A day to celebrate and encourage any and every kind of reading. But it’s really not just for kids.
Many of us spend more time scrolling through short-form social media content on our digital devices. So why should we read books instead?
For 2022, here’s 22 reasons, and below you’ll find 22 books to go with them.
Twenty-two reasons to read more books
1.Become more mindful.2.Broaden your horizons.3.Develop your concentration.4.Extend your attention span.5.Be calm.6.Reduce stress.7.Improve your long-term mental and physical health.8.Increase empathy.9.Accept difference.10.Tolerate complexity, expect nuance. 11. Enjoy incomprehension.12.Try new ideas.13.Become more articulate.14.Deepen your emotionality.15.See from a fresh perspective.16.Relax.17.Enjoy.18.Laugh.19.Cry.20.Learn something new.21.Can’t beat a good story.22.Change your mind.
In no particular order — here’s 22 mind-altering classics you can read right here, right now. How many have you read already?